Caleb Wraith
Stands 6'4" of rough cut human mercenary. Wearing the armour of the Chaosian Legion, Caleb appeared a rather imposing figure. He wore a charcoal black leather jerkin beneath sleeved Mithril shirt and his stormcloud grey Chaosian breastplate, complete with groin guard. Clamped to his shoulders were two large Chaosian steel plates that were both linked to the breastplate itself. He wore a pair of partial plated gauntlets that came up over his forearm stopping at the elbow. The knuckles on his gauntlets were dented and scratched…
At his waist were two sword belts which crossed beneath his stomach and again at the back of his spine. The first held the MournBlade, a Chaosian Longsword. The second held the Dragon Fang, a longsword crafted from a dragon’s tooth. Both weapons rested at his right hip. On his legs he wore black leather breeches beneath grey/silver Mithril chain which stopped at the knee. He wore Vagrian Riding boots that rode up to the knee and over these, Chaosian Plate shinguards.
Upon his chest were two large ringlets that fastened to the breastplate which held his cloak. A long black cloak made from the skin of a dragon giving it a leathery interior. Over the dragon skin was simple wolf fur, black in colour. The cloak covered his shoulders and ran down his back and over the Stormbringer, stopping at the calves.
The helmet was Chaosian also. Shaped around the skull of a demon of sorts, rumoured to be Kargos Bloodspitter, the helm is imposing to say the least. The mouthpiece is an assortment of razor sharp teeth with two fang-like teeth at either end. The “Teeth” come together but allow for easier breathing. The Helm is a single mould that has been added to, placing small steel scales to give the look of flesh. At either temple of the helm protrude two large ram-like horns. Beneath the helm Caleb wears a mail coif which runs down over his neck.
When the helm is removed, Caleb wears the visage of a middle aged veteran of war. His skin is as leather and has darkened with age. His face is rough and the muscles in his jaw are very visible. He has deep set, ice blue eyes, which tell the story of a thousand campaigns. They are forever dark rimmed showing evident signs of both exhaustion and sleep deprivation yet they retain the veteran stare. He has longing dark brown hair that is rarely tied back.
The Stormbringer was bound to his back by means of simple leather straps. The blade itself was exactly 4 feet in length and made of a reinforced Steel/Adamantite alloy. The hilt suggested the blade to be of Chaosian decent also, resembling looming demonic wings and at the centre a large black gemstone. The handle itself was a good foot long and bound tightly with black leather, the pommel was bare steel…