Callisto Darkyn Night

Like her cousin Sway, little is known about Callisto, given the name Catherine. For a period of time in recent, she was possessed by Sorrow, a being of Silence and Chaos that managed it's way into her world.

She entered the DN Clan soon after her appearance at the Altar, and found herself with Armatri. Not too far after this, they seperated, with a trail of complications behind them. Callisto had one daughter, Faith, who, after some rehabilitation for her strange, violent streak, was just fine.

After all was said and done, Callisto emerged with a new found hatred for life and most living things in general, seeking the company of only her few and far between friends. She also possesses living armor, same set up as that of Sway, only the eye of hers is green, not blue. Due to her destructive nature and obvious lack of control and stability, Callisto has bouts where she simply cannot control the armor whatsoever.

As of late, she has made herself scarce, detatching herself and her energies from everything that might help her regain her mind. It's safe to say Callisto won't ever be sane again. But then again, when it comes to her, nothing is ever certain.