The Daemonie Sidhe have always existed. Theirs is a life of shadow and darkness. Evil they are not--but neither good nor evil.Their ways are not the ways of mortals, and they cannot know death. For how can something that has not known life, know death?
The one called Daemonite is not the oldest of the Daemonie Sidhe, but he is the oldest active. Not even he knows exactly how ancient he is--but is ancient enough so that the word itself has little meaning; he is ageless in the truest sense of the word. Countless Realms and universes he has seen formed, and destroyed.
The first of the Shapeshifting beings, the Daemonie Sidhe--and thus Daemonite--can take any form they choose. This form hetakes on himself now, is mortal enough, though he is wise enough that its death will weaken, but not destroy him. He does however, forreasons of personal pride, carry distinguishing marks in all his guises. His eyes are emerald green, and he bears green markings, including a skull on his torso. Within the open jaws of the skull burns