Guile Debrassey

The man of a million jobs and endless curiousity. When not asleep in the stool behind the Stone Taverns bar, one can often find him quizzing the odder patrons on thier history. A kindly soul seeming untroubled by his past. A very experinced man, he has seen much, and traveled far. He is the undeniable expert on almost any of the physcial lands within the islands of Terigam.

On one of his many journeys with the armies of Teritha, he stumbled onto an old Stone Altar. In a time of many wars he found a peace that he could not help but share.So in his later years he returned to the place of the Altar and built the Tavern there. When the river went from peaceful to vengeful the profits turned and the Stone Tavern became a source of steady revenue, and now Guile has no wish to leave.