
Stein is like a gargoyle, dragon of sorts. He is rather small in appearance, being very young, standing he is about 1 ft he weighs 50 lb. when in natural form. He normally sits or walks on all fours through. He is a shifter of size. His form stays the same but he can grow up to 5' in size. He looks almost like a Dragon but not any of the common breed. His eyes a light gold color his scales area violet tone. Anyone touching him would feel his scales to be like stone, cold and harsh as well as rock hard. Only to the bearer of his ring will his scales feel warm and more flesh like. He can cover himself with stone skin and also become solid stone if he wishes. He becomes immune to Fire, {natural only}when he does this. His only harmful attacks are of course his talons and teeth, but also flame breath which he can control most of the time. He is about 100 or so. The last bearer, a human, died of old age and for his last wish, sent him to find a new bearer. Knowing some about history, and magic. as well as common things, his knowledge only extends to that which was taught, and a few overheard conversations. The ring he carries is a silver one with a small stone in the center cut as a dragons eye would look. The stone looks to be a black pool of water yet it is solid to the touch. What he sees can be seen through the ring. When the bearer is in trouble he will automatically be drawn to the ring