
Sway is somewhat of a mystery still. Not much of her past is known, only that her real name is Sarah Wayland, and she doesn't remember her parents. She remembers her cousin, Catherine, now known to us as Callisto-DN, from her childhood, but apart from that, little else.

At the age of twelve she was taken into the Eastern Assassins Guild, and up until about a year ago, had clawed her way up through the ranks to stand next to the leader, Justinian. Unfortunately, there is no happy ending in her life. She was sent to the Altar area to find Zhantarian, and recieved word that her entire guild had been slaughtered.

Sway is now nearly or over ten-thousand years in age. On her left wrist is a rather valuable trinket, a black gauntlet. At a glance, it seems nothing more then meaningless jewelry, but one who knew what they were looking for would recognize it as living armor. Set with a clear, ocean blue eye-shaped gem in the center, this insane device has graphted itself to and through her entire body. It can come out and retract at will, sometimes on it's own. A rather nasty peice of work, something most that have seen have not lived ot tell of.

Sway hoped to find some peace at the Stone Altar, working as bartender, though doesn't ask to be paid. She longs only to be left alone, the pain of loosing Justinian, the closest thing to her father, and the rest of her life's work, behind her. Though it never seems far enough...