
Long before the humans and demons fell from the skies and crawled from the seas..her peoples were ancients.. formed upon the highest peaks by the winters snows..the cold north winds..nutured by the sun and moon..the naieilians flourished growing strong in magics..developing great powers of pisonics..wind and water controls..they harnessed the magics of heat..until they begin to think themselves to be gods..making war upon the old gods..and then the gods rose up together.. casting a spell of madness..turning her people against each other..they slaughtered each other in this plague of rage until the day came and there was only one..after untold centuries she walks amoung the other lifeforms.. correcting certain that maybe she will one day know the end of this curse of immortality and find peace in the arms of her fallen people.. she is deemed.       *TheAfterMath*