Touga D'Auvergne
Touga is the HighPriest to Dios serving under the Lordship of the small feifdom of Auvergne. Though Touga takes his work very seriously, and arguably knows the sacred texts of Dios word for word, his station was not entirely earned on merit: He is the Lord's younger brother.
Though Touga means well by his faith, and would never intentionally harm a good person, he does have a mean-streak of some notoriety...namely drawn from an episode which involved the trial and burning of nine accused "witches", all by Touga's order, including a peat farmer engaged to marry a young peasant girl by the name of Juri. Scandal erupted when, barely a year later, Touga married Juri himself. When war broke out between Auvergne and the neighboring Kingdom of Allanors, Touga and his young wife left. Eventually they returned to Auvergne, the parents of a baby girl named Arden.
Touga has once more left Auvergne...his ends unknown.