Stands 6'4", he has long, and well-kept black hair, which is often, swept back. He is fresh of face and is more a noble than an assassin. He is of undefinable age, so much so that even he does not know how many years he has seen. He wears a tight fitting black silk tunic and matching leggings that shows his whipcord muscles. It would take a while to find an imperfection in his build, his body has evidently been moulded around his profession.
Due to his recent encounter with the mage Thanatos, which left Waylander blinded for the better part of a month. He has slightly blackened and charred eyelids. His eyes were eventually repaired however and his sight was regained and improved. His eyes are now a polished midnight blue and have no pupil. He is now able to see all manner of things such as body heat, magical auras, etc. However, he cannot see in natural daylight and is potentially blind in such an environment.
He also wears a long oily, Midnight Blue Hooded cloak, made of a variety of fabrics which are woven together with the webbing of a Phase Spider. This gives the cloak its oily silk texture. Beneath the cloak however, such pleasantries are forgotten. At the small of his back are two well-balanced knives, ideal for throwing. At his left hip, his short sword "SpineFinder." At his right hip ran a variety of small darts/bolts, each carrying their own poison.
On his right forearm was his modified Sithyrr. A wrist mounted crossbow of the Drow, which appears to be nothing more than a bar of steel, between two small blocks of wood running down his forearm. The wrist-mounted crossbow holds three bolts at a time. It is always loaded.
now as "Olath Sarol" Meaning Dark Blade. The SpineFinder is roughly two and a half feet long. The blade is made of Drow Adamantite, which is known to disintegrate when exposed to sunlight. When it was forged however, the Drow soaked this blade in the blood of an Illithid too cool it. It also gave the blade a coating of deadly poison, which causes victims blood to thin which, makes it run quicker. A cut from the SpineFinder leaves the victim bleeding rapidly. Also, If wounded by the blade, gangrene is inevitable and almost instantaneous. Wounds dealt by the SpineFinder never truly heal.
"Twin Dragons"
These well balanced throwing knives are the favoured weapons of the Waylander. The blades are made of silver with a weave of brass to give them extra weight. The sheathes of both blades are lined with poison, so when the blades are drawn, a new coat of poison is added to each. If I must go into detail on the poisons I shall, let us safely assume that anyone struck by this poison will be dead within an hour if a skilled physician does not treat them. (Yes, it's that good).
Occasionally the Waylander ferries the Stormbringer from place to place for Caleb Wraith, his former Lord and Master that often entrusted him with the safe keeping of the blade. It was usually bound to his back by means of simple leather straps. The blade itself was exactly 4 feet in length and made of a reinforced Steel/Adamantite alloy. The hilt suggested the blade to be of Chaosian decent, resembling looming demonic wings and at the centre a large black gemstone. The handle itself was a good foot long and bound tightly with black leather, the pommel was bare steel...