
An Amazin warrioress of 20 summers in age..   from the dark jungles of Timorai she is fearless in battle..a proven huntress and tracker..first hunter of her clan..her weapons of choice..small dagger of a silvered nature and magicial. a short bow..7ft. spear the top a razored poison coated double edged tip of an iron like metal that penetrates most armours..a throwing net made of fibers tightly woven with diamond shards inside that rip skin releasing a paralyzing toxin to what ever it is native to her country and only she carries the antidote..she is usually accompanied by a  massive white tiger named Aborn.. or two guardians..a male lion <cfra> a lioness <cgra>..she was trained to take the place as head of her village..but now answers the call of her Amazon sisters in need..