Your footsteps take you ever-nearer to the circle of stone dolmens. Suddenly the air shimmers before you, and a tavern seems to appear for a few moments, then vanishes. You turn to look behind you, but Caer Asheaeon seems far, far away . . . not the few steps you seemed to have taken. Abruptly, there is a noise before you, and you turn to look. An old man stands before you, almost ancient in appearance; yet his eyes are bright and regarding. He favors you with a chancy smile. I am called Guile, he tells you. Welcome people, and thank you for visiting.This is The Stone Altar, a place of mystery and deep shadow. Many friends you will find here; many enemies as well, perhaps. Remember always that you may speak to me at any time, with anything from thanks to curses; I shall always listen. This place has a tendancy to look as you imagine it to; bear in mind as that you walk these paths, it may not be today what it is yesterday, nor that which it will be tomorrow. Should you need to contact me away from this place, I may be reached at  
  As you look about, wondering, you see Guile stand, beconing you. "Come, come!" he says, his voice welcoming and cheering. Please, allow me to tell you something of the history of this place...."  
  Ah! And what have we here? Could it be . . . . A MESSAGE BOARD???  
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